Other projects, collaborations and studies
Monitoring media pluralism in the digital age (2015-continuous)
The Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom (CMPF) of the European University Institute in Florence, Italy is in charge of coordinating the collection and assessment of media pluralism in national media systems of EU member and, selected, candidate countries. The project uses balanced and scientific criteria to evaluate risks to media pluralism in print, electronic, and digital media. The monitor is divided into four domains: fundamental protection, market plurality, political independence, and social inclusiveness. Each domain contains five indicators composed of legal, economic, and social variables. The project has been implemented on an annual basis since 2015, and the results of all research cycles can be found here.
Procurement of professional support services in the development of recommendations and tools for cultural and creative industries on the "CREATURES" project (2021-2022)
Within the project, 6 studies were conducted:
- policy recommendations in which small and medium-sized enterprises and CCI start-ups play a key role in preserving and valorizing cultural heritage and supporting the development of sustainable tourism;
- common innovative indicators, methods, and tools for assessing the impact of CCI on the preservation of cultural heritage and the promotion of sustainable experience tourism;
- legal recommendations aimed at strengthening cross-sectoral and multilevel cooperation between CCI, cultural heritage, and tourism for the Republic of Croatia;
- legal recommendations aimed at strengthening cross-sectoral and multilevel cooperation between CCI, cultural heritage, and tourism for the ADRION Program area;
- sectoral analysis of the local action plan for the area of Dubrovnik-Neretva County;
- feasibility study of the local action plan for Dubrovnik-Neretva County (cost-benefit analysis and economic-financial sustainability analysis).
The project aimed to provide support to local, regional, and national decision-makers from the ADRION Program area in the development of integrated policies, legislation, and practices related to CCI, for the valorization of cultural heritage and the development of sustainable tourism.
The expected impact concerned the strengthening of the link between entrepreneurs (especially micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises and start-ups) involved in CCI and the cultural heritage preservation and sustainable tourism sectors; the improvement of strategies and policies to support CCI, cultural heritage, and sustainable tourism; and the diversification of and introduction of innovations to the sustainable tourist offer in the area of the ADRION program.
Digital competences for the heritage sector in Croatia (2019)
Within the framework of the project “Digital competences for the heritage sector in Croatia”, IRMO, in cooperation with partners from Great Britain (Culture24), organized a three-day educational workshop entitled “Building Digital Skills and Literacies for Museums and Digital Archives” (Zagreb, 20 – 22 November 2019) which focused on building digital skills and digital literacy among cultural workers in the field of heritage (museums, archives, and libraries), needed to develop quality digital content and services. As a basis for the work at the workshop, research was conducted through an online questionnaire on the state and perspectives on digital competencies and strategies in museums, archives, and libraries in Croatia. The target profile of the participants was employees from heritage institutions who are involved in the development of digital online content in their parent institutions. 26 participants from 21 heritage institutions registered for the workshop. The workshop made it possible for Croatian cultural workers to acquire some necessary knowledge in the field of digital skills and competencies that can improve how they communicate with existing and new users via digital networks. The evaluation of the participants showed that this kind of education is extremely necessary for the Croatian cultural sector.
Research and preparation of chapters for the publication Outlook of the Euro-Asian Foundation (2015-2016)
The project included research and analysis of data on various aspects of connectivity (topic: connectivity) between Europe and Asia in the context of cultural cooperation and especially the exchange of cultural products and services. The result of the project was a chapter in the Outlook book prepared by ASEF for the meeting of heads of state and government in Europe and Asia, and an overview of selected statistics and indicators that were published together with data from other areas (education, media, ICT, infrastructure, energy, trade, etc.). The project results were also presented at the meeting of the ministers of culture of Europe and Asia, which took place in Korea in June 2016.
CICC - Building the Creative City: Developing Zagreb’s Cultural Industries - Cool Industries for the Creative City (2013-2014)
Project Cool Industries for the Creative City (CICC) was focused on capacity building of the cultural/creative industries of the city of Zagreb. It was a research-consultancy project and the follow-up of the previous activities of the IRMO Department for Culture and Communication in the field of cultural/creative industries and represents an implementation phase of cultural/creative industries in the Zagreb public policies. The results of the project were the following: implementation of cultural/creative industries in the Zagreb public policies; human and institutional capacity building by way of educational activities as well as by founding the focal point for the cultural/creative industries (Office for cultural/creative industries); networking among relevant actors; media campaign for the Zagreb cultural/creative industries and their products’ promotion. The importance and the benefit of the project are seen in the overall city development, mainly in the increase of the income from cultural/creative industries, in the urban development and cultural tourism development as well as in the increased livability of the city. Additionally, the project aimed at the diversification of the tourism offer, increased economic competitiveness of the city, and new creative products.
EX.PO AUS - Extension of Potentiality of Adriatic UNESCO sites (2013-2014)
Project EX.PO AUS (EXtension of POtentiality of Adriatic UNESCO Sites) is a cross-border project co-financed by the EU within the IPA Adriatic CBC Programme 2007-2013. The project included 12 partners from seven Adriatic states: the City of Dubrovnik, as the Lead Partner, the Region of Istria, the City of Split (Croatia), the Province of Ferrara, the Municipality of Ravenna – Art Museum of the City, Municipality of Alberobello; Aquileia Foundation (Italy), University of Primorska – Science and research centre (Slovenia); Centre for Conservation and Archaeology of Montenegro (Montenegro); Commission to Preserve National Monuments (Bosnia and Herzegovina); Office of Administration and Coordination of Butrint (Albania) and Municipality of Corfu (Greece). The duration of the project was 36 months, and the total value of the project was 3.155.784,80 EUR, 85% being co-financed from IPA funds, whereas the partners’ share is 15 % of the entire project value.
The general objective of the project was to set up a cooperative network between the UNESCO sites of the Adriatic Sea (including some remarkable sites aspiring to get this recognition), which will be able to develop, in a cross-border context, and diffuse highly qualitative technical and managerial competences by the various public and private actors involved, to pursue a joint strategy of long term to achieve a sustainable valorisation of these sites, based on high levels of managerial, technological and energy innovation.
Questioning transitional dynamics in re-defining cultural identities in Southeastern Europe (2010-2011)
This collaborative project was carried out in cooperation with the Peace Institute, Ljubljana (coordinator), Institute for Social and Economic History, University of Vienna, and the University of Arts in Belgrade. The research was focused on the critical analysis of redefinition and reconstruction of cultural identities in Southeast Europe, the dissemination of information on these issues, and on creation of a regional network of researchers interested in cultural identification. The results were presented in a thematic conference in Ljubljana, organized by the Peace Institute in January 2011 and the book in English was published in the Culturelink series of the Institute for International Relations, Zagreb.
Evaluation of cultural policies and programs financed by the EU as promoters of cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue in the Balkans and Southeast Europe (2012-2014)
The research includes the analysis of intercultural projects financed by the EU, international organizations, and foundations to establish their operation and effect on intercultural dialogue in Southeastern Europe. The role of cultural policies in the promotion of cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue in Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia, Serbia, and Austria was evaluated. The results of the research contribute to the systematization and comprehensive analysis of cultural diversity and interculturality in the region of Southeast Europe and enable a comparison of how cultural projects are realized in different environments, especially in light of the influence of cultural policies. 7 regional meetings and seminars were organized in all the mentioned countries. A specialized portal was launched and a data bank based in Skopje was formed. The basic goal of the project was achieved: analytical insight into intercultural dialogue and the acceptance of cultural diversity as the basis of cultural development and communication in Southeast Europe. The results of the research encourage the expansion of intercultural dialogue, especially through the activities of associations and cultural organizations, the encouragement of cultural diversity in the mentioned countries and regional frameworks, and the operationalization of the approaches represented by the EU in this area.
Dynamics of Virtual Work (2012-2016)
ICTs have had a major impact on the content and location of work. Digitisation of information has transformed labour processes whilst telecommunications have enabled jobs to be relocated globally. But ICTs have also enabled the creation of entirely new types of ‘digital’ or ‘virtual’ labour, both paid and unpaid, shifting the borderline between ‘play’ and ‘work’ and creating new types of unpaid labour connected with consumption and co-creation of services. This affects private life as well as transforming the nature of work. Because of the gender division of labour, this affects women and men differently.
The changing geography of virtual work and the emergence of new value-generating virtual activities have major implications for economic development, skills and innovation policies. However, these are poorly understood because isolated researchers have studied them in a highly fragmentary way.
This Action has distilled knowledge to enable policymakers to separate facts from hype and develop effective strategies to generate new employment and economic development in Europe. It brought together experts in communications, innovation, management, digital media, creative industries, technology, employment, economics, sociology, geography, gender studies and cultural studies to consolidate theory, map this emerging field, support early-stage researchers and develop new research agendas.
EENC – European Expert Network on Culture (2010-2015)
European Expert Network on Culture (EENC) is the project that has in 24 months offered expert services to the European Commission in the field of culture in the form of answers to ad-hoc questions by the Commission and through the development of analytical studies and reports on individual issues of importance for culture. The network was coordinated by Interarts Foundation for International Cultural Cooperation from Barcelona and Culture Action Europe from Brussels. Aleksandra Uzelac was included in the team of 18 experts. The scope of EETS activities is planned to map relevant experts and organizations in the field of culture and to develop the EETS website. IMO was responsible for the mapping section of experts and organizations in the field of culture. Aleksandra Uzelac was responsible for the design and coordination of these activities and the members of the Department of Culture and Communications will participate in developing the corresponding registry.
Compendium of Cultural Policies and Trends in Europe (2001-continuous)
Compendium of Cultural Policies and Trends in Europe is a web system for collecting information and monitoring cultural policies, policy instruments, debates, and trends in Europe, which is updated on an annual basis. The compendium was initiated by the Council of Europe in 1998 as a joint project in cooperation with the European Institute for Comparative Cultural Research (ERICarts), which led the project for twenty years. Since 2018, the Compendium has changed its status, becoming an international association, which brings together several stakeholders, registered with the Chamber of Commerce in Amsterdam. Until December 31, 2020, the Boekman Foundation in the Netherlands was the coordinator of the Compendium, and from January 1, 2021, the Kulturpolitische Gesellschaft e.V. (Bonn, Germany) is the new project coordinator. The project is realized in cooperation with a research community consisting of independent cultural policy researchers, representatives of the non-governmental sector, and national governments. Since 2001, IRMO has participated in the preparation of the annual report on the cultural policy of the Republic of Croatia.
Culture development plan of the city of Zagreb for 2022 - 2027. (2021-2023)
The project included the participatory creation of the Culture Development Plan of the City of Zagreb, which entailed an analytical study of the state of culture in Zagreb and the determination of the vision, goals, specific goals, measures, and projects along with the Action Plan. The goal of the project was, based on the analysis of the current state, related to the existing legal regulations, research findings that have already been collected or are in progress on cultural resources of the city of Zagreb, analysis and discussions with key actors in the field of culture in the city and its wider environment, and in cooperation with the working group of the City of Zagreb, to determine the vision of the cultural development of the city of Zagreb, define the key development priorities in the coming medium-term period and prepare a clear action plan. The result is an analytical study of the state of culture in the city of Zagreb and a strategic planning document, which includes the strategic positioning of culture in the wider social environment, in terms of maximum use of its potential.
Monitoring and Evaluation of RIjeka 2020 European Capital of Culture project (2019-2022)
As one of the partners in the consortium, IRMO was engaged in implementing monitoring and evaluation of the project Rijeka 2020 European Capital of Culture. The monitoring and evaluation of the project impacts is the responsibility of every city that is awarded this title, and Rijeka was the first of the cities to assume this obligation under the new rules prescribed by the European Parliament and the Council Decision on the EPC initiative 2020-2033. The European Commission intended to further examine the project’s impacts on the overall cities’ development and how much the project contributes to the defined objectives of the ECoC initiative and program.
The main objective of the project was to examine the effects of the project on the overall development of the city, with the following specific objectives:
- to provide background and evidence for decision-making of Rijeka 2020 by providing recommendations for the achievement of goals of the ECoC;
- to create a database of results and impacts of the ECoC Rijeka 2020 project that were generated a year before the title as the basis for the assessment of the project in 2020;
- to measure and analyze the economic, environmental, social, and cultural outcomes and impacts of the ECoC Rijeka 2020 project in the title year;
- to create a database of results and impacts of the ECoC Rijeka 2020 project that were generated after acquiring the title;
- to develop and implement a framework for open and free access to data that will serve as a legacy of the project.
Culture Development Strategy of the City of Zadar (2019)
The project included the participatory development of the Culture Strategy of the City of Zadar, which entailed an analytical study of the state of culture in Zadar and the determination of the vision, goals, specific goals, measures, and projects along with the Action Plan. The purpose of the project was to ensure the functional operation of the culture sector in Zadar, which indirectly acted as one of the drivers of the city’s development. In addition, based on the analysis of the situation, a vision of the development of the culture of the City of Zadar was determined, key development priorities in the coming medium-term period were defined and a clear action plan was prepared – establishing and strengthening public participation in the development of the culture of the city of Zadar through partnership, i.e. involving relevant actors in the process development and implementation of the Strategy, contributing to increasing the knowledge and skills of city administration experts and other interested stakeholders (public institutions in the city’s culture, independent cultural scene, private cultural and artistic organizations, independent artists, etc.) for cultural management through the improvement of strategic planning and management and the preparation and implementation of projects in the field of culture. The result is an analytical Study of the state of culture in the city of Zadar and a Strategy document, which implies the strategic positioning of culture in the wider social environment, in terms of the maximum use of its potential.
Education - Participative Management in Culture within the Project "Books of Our Streets" (2019)
Education of citizens on the topic of participatory management in culture was realized. The project included 2 lectures, 3 workshops for the creation of a model of participatory management in culture, and participation in 1 public presentation of the method of implementing the model. The goal of the project was to strengthen the capacities of civil society for participative management in culture.
Small Boat 2 - Guidelines for Sustainable Tourism, Story of Maritime Heritage, and Master Plan for Maritime Tourism Development with Action Plans (2017-2018)
The project dealt with the preservation, protection, promotion, and development of the maritime heritage of the border area through tourism valorization based on the principles of sustainable tourism using a series of measures (arrangement of interpretation centers, holding of educational and demonstration events, virtual museum, etc.) and the development of a common tourist product. As part of the project, the Story of Maritime Heritage was created, which connects all 7 project destinations (Krk, Rijeka, Izola, Piran, Rovinj, Nerezine, and Mošćenička Draga) and the Exploitation Plan for tourist purposes. After that, the Master Plan and Action Plans on the Croatian and Slovenian sides were drawn up.
Creating and Managing Experiences in Cultural Tourism (2017)
The project aimed to gather domestic and international scientists, experts, and cultural and tourism workers at an international conference in cooperation with the International Children’s Festival in Šibenik, to present the latest trends in cultural and tourism business related to the creation of experiences and their management. The effects are manifested in the improved understanding and application of the latest trends in the cultural and tourism business in practice. As a result of the conference, a contract was signed with the publisher World Scientific for the publication of a scientific book of the same title.
Market Analysis of Electronic Publications Registered in the Book of Providers of Electronic Publications in Accordance with the Electronic Media Act (2017)
With the expansion of Internet access in the general population, electronic publications are becoming an important source of information. In Croatia, 83 percent of the population uses television, followed by the Internet (52 percent), radio (50 percent) and print (29 percent). Access to the Internet has increased, which can partly be expected to increase the popularity of electronic publications. However, from this data, we cannot conclude which electronic publications are most used in which segments of the population and how they operate in the media market in Croatia. The project enabled the systematization and integration of fragmented information and research on this sector and provided empirical insight into previously unexplored aspects of the electronic publication market. The study resulting from this project brings a key feature of the market, which is the low level of internet usage in the general population, which can be partly explained by the high prices of broadband internet access. Compared to other European countries, Internet users in Croatia read news on the Internet to a large extent. Internet users consider the speed of reporting to be the main advantage of the Internet, while the main objections are the sensationalist way of reporting, too many ads, news without in-depth analysis, unverified and unreliable information, and spelling and grammatical errors. Therefore, the finding of the study is not surprising that respondents mostly do not believe in the truth of the information they learn about in Croatian electronic publications. Respondents also expressed concern about privacy protection, lack of protection of personal data, and violence on the Internet. Users access content using global web browsers (primarily Google) and social network services (primarily Facebook). Furthermore, they are not willing to pay for the content of the electronic publications they are currently visiting. This narrows the space for monetization of electronic publications, even though, according to certain indicators, investment in online advertising is continuously growing. You can access the publication here.
Management Plan for the Lazareti Memorial Complex 2016.-2020. (2015)
The project aimed to ensure the sustainable development of the complex itself, and indirectly to act as one of the drivers of the development of the city of Dubrovnik. The purpose of the project was to create a management plan for the monument complex that meets sustainability criteria in the ecological, cultural, social, economic, technological, and institutional domains, which indirectly provides the foundations for general social local development. The results are a management plan document for the Lazareti monument complex, i.e. a Lazareti management plan, which includes a definition of the concept of its most appropriate use, a strategic marketing plan, a cost-benefit analysis (CBA), and a proposal for possible management models for the complex.
Preparation of Dubrovnik's candidacy for European Capital of Culture 2020 (2014-2016)
In the period from October 2014 to the end of December 2015, the IRMO team participated in all phases of work on the preparation of the candidacy of the City of Dubrovnik for the European Capital of Culture 2020, including the coordination of work in the first phase of the candidacy, the creation and revision of the work plan in all phases, moderating and coordinating the work of various professional bodies, working with program coordinators and the local Program Incubator, consulting related to preparatory activities for creating a candidacy book, writing texts and reviewing and editing the first and second candidacy books, and participating in the preparation and presentation of the project before the Panel of Experts. Within the framework of the project, IRMO actively worked on the implementation of the Culture Development Strategy, created an Action Plan for the implementation of the Strategy, and launched a program to strengthen the capacity of the local cultural sector.
Strategy for the Development of Cultural Tourism in the City of Rijeka (2014-2015)
The goal of the project was to determine the vision for the strategy of the development of cultural tourism in the city of Rijeka, to define key development priorities in the coming medium-term period and to prepare a clear action plan, to establish and strengthen public participation in the development of cultural tourism in the city of Rijeka, to contribute to increasing the knowledge and skills of key actors in the field of cultural tourism, intensify international cooperation and networking, positioning in the European cultural and tourism context, encourage the development of cultural industries and contemporary artistic creativity, propose new organizational models in cultural tourism, with an emphasis on cultural management and the mobility of programs and human resources, affirm the cultural identity of Rijeka in in the context of contemporary cultural and touristic development and to establish a systematic organization and development of the cultural tourism sector of the city of Rijeka.
Creation of the Culture Development Strategy of the City of Dubrovnik (2014)
The main goal of the project task was, based on the analysis of the situation related to the existing legal regulations and research findings that have already been collected or are in progress on the cultural resources of the City of Dubrovnik, with stakeholders in the City and the wider environment, and in cooperation with the working group of the City of Dubrovnik, to determine a vision of development culture of the City, define key and specific development priorities in the coming medium-term period and prepare an action plan. Also, the task aimed to establish and strengthen public participation in the development of the culture of the City of Dubrovnik through partnership, to contribute to increasing the knowledge and skills of city administration experts and other interested actors, and to affirm the cultural identity of Dubrovnik in the context of contemporary cultural development.
Action Plan for Encouraging the Cultural/Creative Industries of the City of Zagreb (2012)
The main goal of the project task was, based on the previously made analysis of the cultural/creative industries sector of the city of Zagreb presented in the study “Zagreb as a cultural product” (2010), to propose goals and concrete measures that will strengthen the cultural/creative industries sector itself, contribute to the economic development of the city based on cultural/creative industries and to contribute to its visibility in the international environment. In this sense, the plan provides definitions, scope, and role of cultural/creative industries in the development of the city, a legal framework and description of EU policies in this area, an assessment of the potential, and a rough assessment of the domestic and tourist market for cultural/creative industries and their SWOT analysis. Finally, an action plan for encouraging the development of cultural/creative industries was proposed with goals and measures for implementation and a time plan, with indicated indicators of achievement according to goals and measures for monitoring and evaluation, the implementers and with a presentation of the necessary financial resources and possible sources of financing as well as by way of monitoring the implementation. The plan is complemented by examples of European practice.
Research Study “Culture Strand of the Creative Europe Programme 2014-2020” (2012)
As part of the tender for the Multiple Framework Service Contract IP/B/CULT/FWC/2010-001 “External Expertise Services Relating to Culture and Education Policies” for LOT 4 (CULTURE), the European Parliament in June 2012 asked IRMO to prepare a detailed briefing note “Culture Strand of the Creative Europe Program 2014-2020”. For the needs of the Council for Education and Training of the European Parliament in the upcoming debate on the implementation of the MFF’s multi-year financial framework program and the EU 2020 strategy, an analytical document was created that served as a background document for the discussion. The task of the document was to critically analyze and evaluate the Commission’s proposal for the CREATIVE EUROPE PROGRAM 2014-2020 and to analyze the shortcomings and propose possible changes. The 48-page study provides an analytical and conceptual commentary on the proposed program, focusing on the analysis of the part related to the cultural sector. The analysis took into account all available documents and comments on the proposed program from official EU sources, as well as from European cultural networks and other interested stakeholders. Data collection and analysis were done during June and July 2012. The study team included 3 authors: Colin Mercer, Nina Obuljen, and Jaka Primorac. Aleksandra Uzelac was the coordinator of this project. Biserka Cvjetičanin and Ilona Kish provided reviewer comments on the text.
Research Study “Encouraging Private Investment in the Cultural Sector” (2010-2011)
In the framework of “External Expertise Services Relating to Culture and Education Policies” Lot 4 (Culture), (contract IP/B/CULT/FWC/2010-001) the European Parliament asked IRMO to prepare a research study “Encouraging Private Investment in the Cultural Sector”. The study “Encouraging Private Investment in the Cultural Sector” on 126 pages (+ appendices) gave an overview of the trends of private investment in culture in 27 EU countries and a comparison with the situation in the USA. The data was collected through a questionnaire sent to the ministries of culture in the EU member states, as well as by looking at existing available data sources and studies of Arts and Business organizations in Europe. The classification of a “mixed funding economy” was elaborated on in the study. The motivations of investors, sponsors, or donors for investing in culture, as well as the existing obstacles they encounter, were investigated. An overview of existing mechanisms and measures used in EU countries to encourage private investment in culture is given. 5 case studies (Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Slovenia, and the United Kingdom) were created, which provide an insight into the various existing national systems and how each of the countries encourages private investment in culture and thus provide a deeper insight into the researched issue. A comparison was made with the system in the USA and the situation in which cultural organizations find themselves there. Based on the identified data, guidelines were given to the European Parliament on how to improve the situation in EU countries. The study is available at www.europarl.europa.eu/studies. It was translated into French and German, and the summary of the study was translated into all official languages of the EU. The research team for the preparation of the study consisted of 6 collaborators from Croatia and Slovenia: Aleksandra Uzelac, project coordinator; Vesna Čopič, chief researcher; Daniela Angelina Jelinčić; Jaka Primorac, Ana Žuvela Bušnja, and Andrej Srakar, and cooperation was also achieved with several external collaborators.
Strategy for the Development of Museum Activities of the Dubrovnik Museums (2010)
The result of the project is the development of museum activities in the City of Dubrovnik within the scope of the Public Institution of Dubrovnik Museums and the positioning of the Public Institution regarding other public museums and the entire cultural sector of the City of Dubrovnik.
Development of the Strategy for the Cultural Development of the City of Dubrovnik - consulting services for the 1st stage of development of the Strategy for the Development of the Culture of the City of Dubrovnik (2010-2011)
The main goal of the project assignment was to collect data for the analysis of the situation necessary for the development of the Culture Development Strategy of the City of Dubrovnik. During the implementation of the project, the following tasks were carried out: analysis of the current situation in the cultural sector of the City of Dubrovnik, analysis, preparation, and creation of documentation for the establishment of cultural councils of the City of Dubrovnik, analysis, preparation and creation of materials for the urban revitalization project of the Lazareti monument complex, consulting in cultural project planning in the area of the City of Dubrovnik, in the planning of budget allocations for the cultural sector of the City of Dubrovnik, in the direction and optimization of communication between the local administration and the local cultural sector and with the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia, analysis, preparation and development of a plan for the economic use of the Revelin monument, as well as many others. The project included the obligation to participate in expert presentations and interpretations of project results.
Study of Zagreb as a Cultural Product (2010)
The study focused on exploring the cultural/creative industries of the City of Zagreb at two levels: the potential for profit and the potential of creating a recognizable city. The objectives of the study were short-term and long-term. The first included defining the key elements of contemporary cultural identification of Zagreb, which can affect its international recognition and serve as a key point for the tourist attraction and sales, and competitive advantage in the tourism market (branding), as well as providing a different perception about the role and definition of the sector of cultural/creative industries. The second was related to laying the foundations of cultural planning in Zagreb as well as strategic placement of public administration towards the sector of cultural/creative industries, establishing a set of criteria (“Identity Index”) for the identity system of the City of Zagreb, and the inclusion of cultural/creative industries in the entire cultural sector of Zagreb.